Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Industry Studies September 9/08 IS1

I was first attracted to photography around 1987. I was getting married and we bought our first camera for our honeymoon. I suddenly was more interested in being behind the camera instead of in front of it. We had our 1st pics developed and it felt good to say I took that picture (unless it was a really crappy one...there were a few!). After that I took pictures of ridiculous stuff like every desert I made, snow, rain, stuff that really didn't make any sense. But then I had children! What fun. So here I am now trying to get better and trying to learn how to get professional results.

I am hoping to learn a large variety genres and see what doors will open along the way. I am hoping to learn how to pose people and what angles will give the best shots. I also want to know how to better use my camera to it's full capabilities. I also really am hoping to learn how to use computers more efficiently and not not freak out at every click. I have to admit I am not great with technology .... actually it terrifies me a little! I usually learn the basic functions and ignore the rest because I fear I won't understand anyway which leads me to my next paragraph.

I guess a real secret about myself is that I am actually afraid of people might find out I am not as confident as I appear. I force myself to "fake it till I make" I guess. I am sure I will make a fool of myself or look stupid. I NEVER want to look stupid! So there you have it.

1 comment:

Carly Alexandra Stevenson said...

Hey Elisabeth! I'm happy that I got to sit beside you today in class! I know you get frustrated with the comp but I think you'll pick it all up really quickly. My secret is that I sometimes freak out too on the inside! I'm definitely the "fake it til I make it" type as well!! I think were going to do awesome this year though, I can feel it =)